How to Get Admission to a College through OCAS Canada

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The Ontario College Application Service or OCAS Canada is similar to the Ontario Universities’ Application Center or OUAC. Both organizations help students prepare for their undergraduate admissions. However, OCAS processes admission applications for Ontario colleges instead of universities. Many students apply for their admissions using the OCAS because college programs are cheaper and more flexible.

The non-profit organization was created by the Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology and Institutes of Technology. Their website and mobile app serve as centralized hubs for application-to-college services. Using these tools, students can send applications through their chosen colleges, find a warehouse of information, and even request transcripts from Ontario high schools and postsecondary institutions.

If you are a Canadian citizen or an international student and you are planning to pursue your education in a college in Ontario, the quickest and most convenient way to apply will be through their website. How do you get admission to a college through the OCAS program?

Find colleges and programs

The first step will be researching colleges that have programs that you want to take. You can use OCAS’s website to browse and learn more about the college programs offered in the province.

Create an account

To send applications, you have to create your personal account. You are required to provide personal details and information about your educational background like the schools where you finished elementary and high school. You can go straight to the application or just simply set up your account in the meantime.

Apply for colleges

Visit the OCAS login portal, then enter your email address and password to access your account. On the left side of the portal, click the apply button and then choose an academic year. After that, you can start adding programs that you want to apply to. You can choose a maximum of five programs with up to three programs from the same Ontario college. Then, arrange the program in order of priority.

Order your transcript

Colleges will require you to send transcripts as part of their process to assess your eligibility for the program of your choice. You can simply select the request button, and then the portal will notify your high school to send your transcript to your chosen colleges.

Review and pay for application fees

After reviewing all the details, the final step is paying for each application. Once they are settled, OCAS will send your application to the colleges of your choice.


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