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Are you looking for an English tutor in Mississauga? We can help students from elementary, middle, and high school, as well as university and college levels. If you need support with reading, speaking, writing, or listening, we are here for you!

Many students find English difficult. They may have trouble understanding reading materials, using correct grammar, writing properly, or speaking fluently. For those who do not speak English as their first language, these challenges can be even greater.

As students move to higher grades, they must think critically. It is not enough to memorize; they need to apply and analyze what they learn in real-life situations. With increased difficulty, understanding books and analyzing content takes more time and effort.

Students often struggle due to misunderstandings. It is normal to need extra help with tough topics, especially since English courses move quickly. Without proper guidance, students might miss key information and feel overwhelmed by the amount of content to learn.

Our team includes skilled tutors with strong educational backgrounds and experience. We provide the support your child needs to achieve their academic goals. We cater to all needs and ensure every student receives the quality education they deserve.

Falling behind in English classes can be disappointing and frustrating, particularly for those who do not speak it as their first language. This can also affect self-esteem. Get the help you or your child deserve to achieve the best grades possible.

Our English tutors in Mississauga are resourceful, patient, and passionate. They have significant experience and can assess your child’s education level to offer personalized support. Contact us today to learn more about English tutoring options in Mississauga!


English Tutor in Mississauga

  • Elementary School Students (Kindergarten to Grade 5)
  • Middle School Students (Grade 6 to 8)
  • High School Science Students (Grades 9 to 12)
    • Academic courses including Academic Grade 9 & 10 English
    • Applied courses including Academic Grade 9 & 10 English
    • University and College/University level English Courses
    • Both public and private school students


Our one on one approach allows your child to receive the attention and care they need in order to improve and reach their full potential in English courses. 

Many public and other private schools have large class sizes which does not allow your child to receive the attention and help they need in order to excel. They may be struggling with certain concepts and it is difficult for teachers with large classes to be able to identify students who require more help in certain areas.  

With our one on one approach, your child will be able to get quality help they deserve to get the best results possible. This direct teaching method allows for better communication with your child and our tutors in order to fully assess what concepts they need more attention in. Thus, allowing them to progress steadily in their classes and not fall behind when they do not understand reoccurring concepts that are needed for other units of the course. 

Individual tutoring is the best approach to faster and more effective results, proficient learning, and remarkable improvement of skills and grades. Our success rate for students who have signed up for this learning approach is incredibly high and consistent. 

With our 1:1 approach, we can:

    • Evaluate the student’s level accurately 
    • Deeply examine and focus on aiding the student with the topics they find challenging
    • Closely follow the progress of the student 
    • Devise the best learning method possible in order to meet your child’s needs 
    • Faster action to meet objectives in the shortest time possible 
    • Provide personalized and subjective support shaped by the need of the student 
    • Allows oral practice for speaking out loud


We also provide group tutoring upon request! 

Group tutoring involves small classroom sizes in which students can feel comfortable to interact with other students while still receiving one on one help from our tutors. This type of tutoring allows your child to receive the social aspect of learning required for them to be successful and competitive in the professional world. 

Jobs in the industry require you or your child to be able to socialize and get along with all kinds of people. Being in the presence of other students can also help you or your child get the social experience needed to do progress well in the industry. 

Group tutoring session look to keep class sizes to a minimum so you or your child can still receive a personal learning approach as well. 

With our group study approach, we can:

  • Evaluate the student’s level accurately 
  • Examine and focus on helping the student with challenging topics
  • Closely follow the progress of the student 
  • Allow students to socialize while staying in the topic of English, similar to a public classroom study but with far less students 
  • Devise the best learning method possible in order to meet your child’s needs 
  • Provide personalized and subjective support shaped by the need of the student 


If you or your child are looking for exceptional English tutoring in Mississauga, USCA Academy is the best school for you. We provide quality education and tutoring to students of all different needs and educational levels and do our best to ensure they receive the attention and care they deserve. We offer a large range of English tutoring, including elementary level to high school novel studies and Shakespearian studies.


For students who are looking to get a head start on their courses, we include advanced placement of level or fast-tracking in order to learn the next year’s material before the school year starts. 

This allows students to be better prepared for upcoming years and will allow their understanding of the Ontario Curriculum’s English courses to already be familiar and understood.  

This ensures all concepts in their upcoming school year will be learnt and understood well in advance so that no difficult concepts come as a surprise or shock to them. 

Some children also progress very quickly and require the stimulation given from being placed in an advanced class. This can help them learn quicker and be successful in the upcoming school year.