OCAS Application Process: As you prepare for university, you are likely to be choosing between going to a private and public college or learning institution for higher education. If you go for the latter, it is crucial to learn about OCAS programs and how you can get in. The Ontario College Application Service (OCAS) is known as a centralized application service for the public colleges in Ontario. They are focused on supporting applicants and on paving new ways for them to connect with local colleges and explore their options. Here’s what you need to know about signing up for OCAS in Canada and OCAS Application Process:
OCAS Application Process
- Signing up – You will need to make an account and use the OCAS login to use their centralized application services to public colleges in Canada. The service is offered in English and French.
- Application requirements – These will vary per college and the programs offered. The Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) or any equivalent is required in most cases. OCAS Application Process Graduate Certificate OCAS programs require a prior university or college certificate, degree, or diploma for admission. Take note that colleges may have admission requirements, which are unique to a particular program. So, it pays to visit the school’s website and look into the requirements set in the program you are interested in.
- For mature students – OCAS can also help you apply for university if you have finished high school and have joined the workforce. Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition evaluates the knowledge and skills acquired through work experience, volunteering, life experience, or through continuing education. Assessment results may be included for academic credit when you want to retrain, upgrade, or pursue an education in one of Ontario’s colleges after being part of the workforce.
- The OCAS Application Process – Use the OCAS login to access your account and provide your educational history and personal information. Indicate your program choices, and request your transcripts from your school so that they can send them to OCAS. Pay the applicable fees. Log back in so you can verify the transcript information or make any updates or changes to your application.