As a high school student, one of the personal issues you might be concerned with is college admissions. You may not be confident in the qualifications you have, or you know that you are lacking some credits. That’s where your school may be able to help. Otherwise, you could check with a private school that offers OCAS programs for its students. That way, you can avoid the guesswork and determine how you can apply for university and in your desired course seamlessly.
The Ontario College Application Service is the centralized platform for college, high school, and government applications. OCAS in Canada is offered in both English and French, and the application centre simplifies admissions to your preferred university or program. That said, keep in mind that admission requirements will vary from one college to another and may also depend on the programs. In most cases, you will need to have an OSSD (Ontario Secondary School Diploma) or its equivalent. In case you don’t have that yet, you may sign up for University Preparation Program to complete your final year in high school in Ontario, and receive your OSSD in time for college applications.
The OCAS login is not just for upcoming college students out of high school. It welcomes students looking into graduate certificate programs. In that case, they will need to provide a prior university or college certificate, degree, or diploma for admission. Moreover, colleges may have program-specific requirements for admission, so consider visiting the school website you are interested in to get up-to-date information.
OCAS is also used by mature students to upgrade, re-train, or pursue further education in an Ontario college after joining the workforce. OCAS programs may include prior learning assessment and recognition to recognize and evaluate their skills and knowledge, which they may have acquired through work experience, life experience, volunteering, and other means. Those experiences can be applied as academic credit.