kindergarten 2 3a 2

EWC4U – The Writer’s Craft

Course Type:University Preparation
Credit Value:1.0
Prerequisite:ENG3U, English Grade 11, University Preparation

Course Description

This course emphasizes knowledge and skills related to the craft of writing. Students will analyse models of effective writing; use a workshop approach to produce a range of works; identify and use techniques required for specialized forms of writing; and identify effective ways to improve the quality of their writing. They will also complete a major paper as part of a creative or analytical independent study project and investigate opportunities for publication and for writing careers.

Outline of Course Content


Titles and Descriptions

Time and Sequence

Unit 1

Children’s Literature

In this instructional unit, students analyze children’s literature: the text and illustrations, and the special requirements of this audience. In order to support this analysis and creation of a children’s text(s), students will read published literature of this genre and their own final illustrated children’s story to grade school children.

20 hours

Unit 2

The Short Story

In this instructional unit, students read a variety of short stories, analyzing the elements of plot, character, theme and setting. Students will begin maintaining a journal, both in and out of class, to record inspirations, observations, fragments of ideas, images etc. as inspiration for their own final production of a short story (and for other units of this course, as well).

20 hours

Unit 3

Poetry Time:

In this instructional unit, students read and analyze a variety of poetic structures – including sonnets, concrete poetry, free verse, etc. – from a wide range of poets. Students write in a minimum of three of the forms studied

15 hours

Unit 4

Play Writing:

In this instructional unit, students research elements of drama writing using selected samples from playwrights such as Judith Thompson, Thomson Highway, Edward Albee, etc. Students write and present a short one act play or scene.

15 hours

Unit 5

Stepping Ahead – Independent Study Project

In this evaluation unit, students will work independently to demonstrate the key knowledge and skills developed throughout the course by planning and conducting an independent study project that will result in: an analysis of a specific writer’s style; a creative text written in the chosen writer’s style; and, an oral presentation which summarizes the various independent study components.

15 hours

Unit 6

Summative Evaluation (15% of Final Mark): Analysis of chosen author’s writing style Creative text modeling chosen author’s style

Oral presentation synthesizing various components of this project

15 hours

Unit 7

Summative Final Evaluation (30% of Final Mark):

In-class Exam (15% of final mark) includes I.S.U. Independent Study Unit (see above, 15% of final mark)

20 hours


110 hours

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)​​

This course focuses on enhancing writing skills through analysis, creative projects, and independent study, preparing students for writing careers or university-level studies.

Students must have completed ENG3U (Grade 11 English, University Preparation) to enroll in this course.

Students will analyze effective writing, produce original works, experiment with specialized writing forms, and complete a major independent study project.

Projects include children’s literature, short stories, poetry, playwriting, and an independent study focusing on analyzing and emulating a writer’s style.

Grades are based on unit projects, an independent study project (15%), and a summative final evaluation, including an in-class exam and presentation (30%).